How Weather Conditions Affect Road Sign Visibility and What to Do About It

Author: B.M.R. Mfg. Inc. | | Categories: Cleaning , Sign Maintenance , Tips , Weather

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Road signs are essential for guiding traffic, ensuring safety, and providing crucial information to drivers. However, their effectiveness can be significantly impacted by weather conditions. In this post, we’ll explore how different weather conditions affect road sign visibility and what measures can be taken to mitigate these issues.

Rain and Fog

Rain and fog significantly reduce visibility by scattering and reflecting light, making it challenging for drivers to see road signs until they are very close. Additionally, water droplets can accumulate on the surface of road signs, causing glare from headlights. To address these visibility issues:

  • Use high-quality reflective materials on road signs - they work by bouncing light back to its source, making the signs more noticeable even in poor weather. We suggest using 3M High Intensity vinyl for the most effective reflectivity.
  • Apply anti-glare coatings to the sign’s surface can minimize the reflection from headlights, thereby improving readability.
  • Use larger signs with bold fonts and high-contrast colors.

Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can cover road signs, rendering them unreadable and reducing their visibility. Snow accumulation can also obscure the reflective surfaces of the signs, diminishing the effectiveness of the reflective materials. To address these challenges, several strategies can be implemented:

  • Regular maintenance is crucial. This involves routine clearing of snow and ice build-up from road signs during the winter months.
  • Install road signs on taller posts which ensures that they are kept above the average snow levels, reducing the likelihood of being buried or obscured by snow drifts. This is particularly important in regions where snowbanks can easily cover lower-mounted signs.

Sunlight and Glare

Bright sunlight can cause significant glare on road sign surfaces, making them difficult to read, particularly during sunrise and sunset when the sun is low on the horizon. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the colors on road signs to fade over time which reduces contrast between the text or symbols and the background. To mitigate these issues:

  • Use UV-resistant materials and coatings is essential – they are designed to withstand the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun, preventing the colors from fading and ensuring the signs remain vibrant and legible for an extended period.
  • Incorporate anti-glare surfaces to reduce the reflection of sunlight, minimizing the impact of direct sunlight and making the signs easier to read. These surfaces diffuse the light, reducing the harshness of the glare and improving overall readability.
  • Strategically position road signs to help avoid direct sunlight during peak hours. Careful placement ensures that drivers can read the signs clearly, even when the sun is at its brightest.

Wind and Storms

Strong winds and storms can physically damage or knock down road signs, making them ineffective, and storms can blow debris onto signs, obscuring important information. To mitigate these effects:

  • Use durable materials and sturdy construction methods to ensure that signs can withstand high winds and storm conditions. B.M.R. offers durable signposts and hardware that meet MTO guidelines to ensure stability even during strong winds.
  • Strategic placement of signs in locations can offer some natural protection from the wind, such as behind trees, buildings, or other structures. Avoid placing signs in open areas where they are more exposed to strong winds.

Nighttime and Low Light Conditions

During nighttime or in low-light conditions, the visibility of road signs is significantly reduced, making it challenging for drivers to see and read them. To address this issue:

  • Use externally illuminated signs, which are lit by external light sources such as floodlights, gooseneck lamps, or linear LED strips. These light sources ensure that the signs remain visible regardless of external lighting conditions.
  • Employing highly reflective materials on road signs enhance their visibility without the need for additional power sources, making them a cost-effective solution.
  • Ensure that there is consistent and adequate street lighting along roads - well-placed streetlights can significantly reduce the shadows and dark areas that can obscure road signs.


Weather conditions can significantly impact the visibility and effectiveness of road signs, posing potential safety risks. However, by understanding these impacts and implementing the appropriate measures, you can mitigate these issues and ensure that road signs remain effective regardless of the weather. At B.M.R Mfg. Inc., we specialize in creating high-quality, weather-resistant signage solutions tailored to withstand a variety of environmental conditions. Contact us today at (705)-653-4111 or to learn more about how our products can help you maintain road safety and visibility.

